T.C. talked to his dad today. His dad always asks about T.C.'s kids. T.C. told him to call and talk to them. He said he didn't think that The Ex would let him. So, T.C. sent a text to The Ex asking if she would let the kids call his dad and talk to him. She said no. Not just no, but she did the whole "I don't have to explain myself to you. They are MY kids" bullshit. Because they aren't also T.C.'s kids, I guess. Her issues with T.C. and his family don't change the fact that they are still family to the children.
Seriously, just because you didn't get your way with T.C. doesn't mean that you should throw a fit and use the kids as a weapon. "I'm pissed, so you can't have any sort of relationship with your children/grandchildren and I don't have to explain myself because *I* am in control... *I* am the boss!!! *stomp*
VERY immature.
Get over it. No one is asking to have any sort of relationship with YOU... just the kids. No one WANTS to have a relationship with YOU. Maybe that's the problem. There really has to come a point when you realize that not everything is about YOU.. it's about the kids now. Why in the world would you want to limit the number of people that your kids have a loving relationship with?? Just to prove that you are the boss? To make a point? To get some small, childish revenge on the man that broke your heart? What? If having that relationship posed a danger to the children that would be one thing. But, cutting grandparents or whatever out of your children's lives just because YOU have a problem is just selfish, immature and stupid. Is it going to hurt the children to talk to their grandfather on the phone for a few minutes??
What T.C. did was wrong. Not the leaving part, but the crap afterward. The lying... the false promises. But, that is (was) between the two of you. His dad didn't leave. His dad didn't make you the secret side chick for two years. None of that had anything to do with the kids at all.
That is all.
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